Prayer to Saint Mary Magdalen
Saint Mary Magdalen, woman of many sins, who by conversion became the beloved follower of Jesus, thank you for your witness that Jesus forgives through the miracle of love. You, who already possess eternal happiness in His glorious presence, please intercede for me, so that some day I may share in the same everlasting joy. Amen.
Lord, have mercy on us...Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us...Christ hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of Heaven...Have mercy on us.
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world...Have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Spirit...Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God...Have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, Mother of God...Pray for us. Response: PRAY FOR US
Saint Mary Magdalen…
Saint Mary Magdalen, whom Jesus looked upon with compassion...
Saint Mary Magdalen, from whom Jesus cast out seven demons…
Saint Mary Magdalen, faithful disciple of Jesus...
Saint Mary Magdalen, who devoted her life to serving Jesus…
Saint Mary Magdalen, whose soul was healed by Jesus...
Saint Mary Magdalen, who courageously followed Jesus in His Ministry...
Saint Mary Magdalen, who served Jesus at the Last Supper...
Saint Mary Magdalen, who faithfully followed Jesus to Golgotha...
Saint Mary Magdalen, who wept in sorrow at the foot of the Cross...
Saint Mary Magdalen, who consoled Mary at the death of her Son...
Saint Mary Magdalen, who on Easter found the tomb empty...
Saint Mary Magdalen, who kept steadfast watch at the tomb...
Saint Mary Magdalen, who asked, "Where have they taken Him?”...
Saint Mary Magdalen, to whom Christ first appeared after t he Resurrection...
Saint Mary Magdalen, who first announced the miracle of the Resurrection to the world...
Saint Mary Magdalen, Apostle of the Resurrection...
Saint Mary Magdalen, Apostle to the Apostles...
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